Dad passed away on March 1, 2002. I dearly miss him and everything about him. But, I have a few things that belonged to him, and I cherish each one. Dad had a "magic box". He took it with him every time that he went fishing or hunting. A friend of his called it the "magic box", as it contained whatever one might need to survive in an emergency situation. It even came in handy when the game warden stopped by to make sure that every sportsman had the proper safety equipment with him. It saved many a citation from being delivered to Dad and his sporting buddies.
Recently, I had decided to clean our garage to get ready for the coming winter season. So many things had be sent to the garbage as I no longer had use for them. When I came the shelf unit just to the left of the garage door, all things came to a halt. I spotted the wooden box that had belonged to my Dad. I had forgotten that I stored it on those shelves.
Last year, I needed something to cut through a tree root. Divine intervention guided me to this box, and as I opened it, I found a hatchet sitting right on the top of everything in the box. It was just the tool that I needed to cut that root, and I have used it many times since then.
I realized that I had not opened the box since I found the hatchet, and I was curious as to what else was in this box. Here's a photo of the box, just having been opened :
The wooden box, haven been painted green some time ago, was now marked and gashed from years of being loaded on boats and into duck blinds on the Missouri River. The first item on top of the contents was a blanket, green and waterproof, with one side being a silver reflective material designed to keep someone warm and dry. As I removed the blanket, the rest of the "magic" was revealed.
I picked through each item and placed them on the floor beside the box. Each piece had a special use, and I could see where Dad had carefully thought about what to add to the box. Being a Mechanical Engineer, I could see how he planned, methodically, the usefulness of each item as he added them to the box.
A photo of the contents:
The contents were:
two pair of gloves, one being leather, the other being rubber insulated
a small iron skillet, with one set of tongs and one pancake flipper
Three can openers with cork screws, and a vegetable peeler
a limb saw that folds
a pair of shooting glasses in a waterproof case
binoculars in a carry case
a fire extinguisher
four table forks in a leather case
a bag full of nails of various sizes
a roll of electrical tape
a pliers, a crescent wrench and a sharp 7 inch knife
a roll of heavy wire and a spool of thick twine
three compasses, and two small cans of WD40 lubricant
bandaids and Tylenol
four large eye hooks with screw hooks to attach
Four large red rubber screw hooks
matches, matches and more matches
Three plastic rain capes
a shotgun shell, and a small light bulb (for a boat light)
four spark plugs
three pencils and a straw
Salt and Pepper shakers, filled
oh, yes, and the hatchet, not shown in the photo because I had been using it this week.
The "magic box" was repacked and carefully placed back on the shelf, dusted off a bit. I feel a bit more fulfilled now that I know exactly what is in that box. If I ever am in an emergency situation, I know that box just might come in handy.
Yes, my Dad was prepared for just about anything out there in the wilds of the woods while hunting deer, rabbits, quail and ducks, and also on the river or the lake trying to catch that big bass. He DID carry the usual items, like flashlights. But the things in this "magic box" of his must have been trinkets that he thought even the most experienced eagle scout might have use for in the event he found himself in a precarious situation. Maybe that's why I always felt safe in the company of my Dad. I knew he would keep me safe, and he always did. Thanks Dad. Sure do miss you.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
More Clues for Corpl. Thomas Nelson
Saturday, January 21, 1911, Hinsdale Doings, page 1, vol. XVI no.16
"Well Known Character Dies
Thomas Nelson, a much respected and well known colored citizen of Hinsdale passed away, Tuesday, January 17, at his home, corner of Vine and 3rd Streets. Mr. Nelson was born in Mississippi and at the time of the Civil War believed himself to be about 30 years old. He served as army nurse in a small pox hospital during the conflict, and later entered a colored regiment where his strict attention to duty soon caused him to be raised to the rank of Corporal.
While in the Army he received much praise also for bravery. At the close of the war he came North and had been a resident of Hinsdale 33 years last April. Soon after coming here he married Eliza, his wife, a woman who has done more for her race, in proportion to her means than many a millionaire whose gifts have received world wide fame. Mr. Nelson was an honored member of the GAR and marched with their ranks on each recurring memorial day celebration. For the last five years he has been in the express business and has always been held in high regard by all in Hinsdale.
He was buried from his late residence on Friday afternoon. He leaves a widow and many who find comfort in his many high qualities and kindly deeds."
Wow. This obit is chocked full of information about our Thomas Nelson.
Let's go comb through the obit for each tidbit:
1. Confirmation of his date of death : January 17, 1911. Also given, the day of the week : Tuesday.
2. Confirmation of his place of residence, at the corner of Vine and 3rd Streets, which is 307 South Vine Street as recorded on other documents.
3. Mentions his place of birth as Mississippi. This matches the information on half of our previous documentation. Other places mentioned in census records and pension records have recorded his place of birth as Alabama. Hmmm.
4. He believed himself to be about 30 years old at the time of the Civil War. Well, his death record states he was about 85 years in 1911. Other records state various other ages that could pin his birth anywhere between 1827 and 1839. Hmmm.
5. He served as an Army nurse in a small pox hospital. Really? A search for military hospital records might bring some new information.
6. He joined a Colored Regiment and was promoted to the rank of Corporal. This is documented in his compiled service record, which I was able to obtain through
7. He was a resident of Hinsdale for 33 years. This would mean that he first came to Hinsdale about 1878. According to census records he lived outside Janesville, Wisconsin in 1870, and indeed he was a resident of Hinsdale in the the census of 1880.
8. Marriage is mentioned, to Eliza, soon after he arrives in Hinsdale. Well, partially true. He was living in the same household with Eliza in 1880, in Hinsdale. She is mentioned as being his wife. However, their marriage is not recorded in the county of DuPage until 1886.
9. Eliza was obviously involved in some organization (s) that would have been of benefit to the African Americans of the time. This is another avenue to research in the future.
10. Thomas Nelson was a member of the GAR and marched with the ranks each Memorial Day. He should be mentioned in the local GAR membership publications of that time, and perhaps in the newspaper articles written around the time of each annual celebration. More research on the horizon.
11. Thomas was in the express business during the last five years of this life. Looking in to the business directories, advertisements, etc. in the early 1900s, along with any business records might prove to be interesting. The Hinsdale Historical Society may have these in their files and records.
12. The day of burial was on a Friday, and he left a widow, Eliza. It does not mention the two children that were living with them in the census records of 1900 and 1910. Magnolia and Henry were two children that I had assumed were the offspring of Thomas and Eliza. Time to look into birth records and announcements.
Just look at all of the things that came from one, very well written, obituary on the front page of a local newspaper. And the research goes on.
"Well Known Character Dies
Thomas Nelson, a much respected and well known colored citizen of Hinsdale passed away, Tuesday, January 17, at his home, corner of Vine and 3rd Streets. Mr. Nelson was born in Mississippi and at the time of the Civil War believed himself to be about 30 years old. He served as army nurse in a small pox hospital during the conflict, and later entered a colored regiment where his strict attention to duty soon caused him to be raised to the rank of Corporal.
While in the Army he received much praise also for bravery. At the close of the war he came North and had been a resident of Hinsdale 33 years last April. Soon after coming here he married Eliza, his wife, a woman who has done more for her race, in proportion to her means than many a millionaire whose gifts have received world wide fame. Mr. Nelson was an honored member of the GAR and marched with their ranks on each recurring memorial day celebration. For the last five years he has been in the express business and has always been held in high regard by all in Hinsdale.
He was buried from his late residence on Friday afternoon. He leaves a widow and many who find comfort in his many high qualities and kindly deeds."
Wow. This obit is chocked full of information about our Thomas Nelson.
Let's go comb through the obit for each tidbit:
1. Confirmation of his date of death : January 17, 1911. Also given, the day of the week : Tuesday.
2. Confirmation of his place of residence, at the corner of Vine and 3rd Streets, which is 307 South Vine Street as recorded on other documents.
3. Mentions his place of birth as Mississippi. This matches the information on half of our previous documentation. Other places mentioned in census records and pension records have recorded his place of birth as Alabama. Hmmm.
4. He believed himself to be about 30 years old at the time of the Civil War. Well, his death record states he was about 85 years in 1911. Other records state various other ages that could pin his birth anywhere between 1827 and 1839. Hmmm.
5. He served as an Army nurse in a small pox hospital. Really? A search for military hospital records might bring some new information.
6. He joined a Colored Regiment and was promoted to the rank of Corporal. This is documented in his compiled service record, which I was able to obtain through
7. He was a resident of Hinsdale for 33 years. This would mean that he first came to Hinsdale about 1878. According to census records he lived outside Janesville, Wisconsin in 1870, and indeed he was a resident of Hinsdale in the the census of 1880.
8. Marriage is mentioned, to Eliza, soon after he arrives in Hinsdale. Well, partially true. He was living in the same household with Eliza in 1880, in Hinsdale. She is mentioned as being his wife. However, their marriage is not recorded in the county of DuPage until 1886.
9. Eliza was obviously involved in some organization (s) that would have been of benefit to the African Americans of the time. This is another avenue to research in the future.
10. Thomas Nelson was a member of the GAR and marched with the ranks each Memorial Day. He should be mentioned in the local GAR membership publications of that time, and perhaps in the newspaper articles written around the time of each annual celebration. More research on the horizon.
11. Thomas was in the express business during the last five years of this life. Looking in to the business directories, advertisements, etc. in the early 1900s, along with any business records might prove to be interesting. The Hinsdale Historical Society may have these in their files and records.
12. The day of burial was on a Friday, and he left a widow, Eliza. It does not mention the two children that were living with them in the census records of 1900 and 1910. Magnolia and Henry were two children that I had assumed were the offspring of Thomas and Eliza. Time to look into birth records and announcements.
Just look at all of the things that came from one, very well written, obituary on the front page of a local newspaper. And the research goes on.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Corporal Thomas Nelson, the Person I Wish I Had Known
Since I last wrote, in June, so much has happened with my research concerning Corporal Thomas Nelson.
I found that the rule of confirming research data is very important. If you will recall, I had thought that his wife, Eliza, passed away in Wisconsin while living with a daughter. Since then, I found that not to be true.
Eliza passed away in DuPage County, Illinois on the 23 of January in 1920. This is what I found in the Illinois Death Index :
This is a document that I wish to order from the State Archives. It lists her burial place as Bronswood Cemetery. However, I read the original burial index, which stated that originally Mrs. Nelson purchased a burial place for her deceased husband and herself. But a notation mentions that she sold the plot that was meant for herself. Furthermore, I believe that the records at the cemetery office do not have a record for her burial there. I will visit the cemetery this week to confirm this and ask if they will allow me to see the plot purchase records for her husband and the adjoining lot. There should be confirmation as to her selling a plot either to the cemetery or to another person, if indeed she did so.
Next, I browsed the Illinois Marriage Index for DuPage County, Illinois which can be found at this web address : It covers 1763 - 1900. The index search shows this result :
Nelson, Thomas Bussell, Eliza 1886 02 05 Vol 1 Page 99 Lic. 1287 DuPage County
The last name of Bussell sounded a little strange to me, so I proceeded to search this a little more. FamilySearch shows that her surname was Russell, which made more sense to me. However, It could also be Boswell. It also stated the name of the officiate as Dorathy, P. M. I assume the initials stand for Protestant Minister, but a little more research will make things more believable.
I attended the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in August. Sitting in the audience of Tim Pinnick, a known African-American researcher, I learned more about the types of evidence and resources that I should be using for this couple.
Since I knew the town of residence, I proceeded to look for city directories for the Nelson family. I did find one which I photographed with my cell phone. It appeared that Mrs. Eliza Nelson lived on South Vine Street in Hinsdale, Illinois. It matched with the census records that I found.
The Civil War Pension Index provided two cards : One which was for Thomas Nelson's application for an invalid pension in 1897, and another for the Widow's Pension application in 1911 where Eliza had applied for support. Each has an application and certificate number. I'll use those to request the compiled and full file for the supporting papers of each request.
A nice trip to the library in Hinsdale proved to be very beneficial with my work. They had microfilm of The Hinsdale Doings, a local newspaper which is published weekly and provides many years of local information. Looking at the first page of the 21 January 1911 edition, there I found a rather nice obit for Mr. Nelson.
After I research a bit more that is mentioned in the obit, I'll report back and reveal what more I have found on our Civil War Veteran that I Wish I Had Known. Wish me luck. This is getting good.
I found that the rule of confirming research data is very important. If you will recall, I had thought that his wife, Eliza, passed away in Wisconsin while living with a daughter. Since then, I found that not to be true.
Eliza passed away in DuPage County, Illinois on the 23 of January in 1920. This is what I found in the Illinois Death Index :
Eliza Nelson | |
Birth Date: | abt 1851 |
Birth Place: | Virginia |
Death Date: | 23 Jan 1920 |
Death Place: | Hinsdale, DuPage, Illinois |
Burial Date: | 26 Jan 1920 |
Cemetery Name: | Bronswood Cemetery |
Death Age: | 69 |
Occupation: | None |
Race: | Black |
Marital Status: | W |
Gender: | Female |
FHL Film Number: | 1562397 |
This is a document that I wish to order from the State Archives. It lists her burial place as Bronswood Cemetery. However, I read the original burial index, which stated that originally Mrs. Nelson purchased a burial place for her deceased husband and herself. But a notation mentions that she sold the plot that was meant for herself. Furthermore, I believe that the records at the cemetery office do not have a record for her burial there. I will visit the cemetery this week to confirm this and ask if they will allow me to see the plot purchase records for her husband and the adjoining lot. There should be confirmation as to her selling a plot either to the cemetery or to another person, if indeed she did so.
Next, I browsed the Illinois Marriage Index for DuPage County, Illinois which can be found at this web address : It covers 1763 - 1900. The index search shows this result :
• Illinois Statewide Marriage Index ILLINOIS STATE ARCHIVES
Illinois Statewide Marriage Index
Search Criteria: Nelson, Thomas
Nelson, Thomas Bussell, Eliza 1886 02 05 Vol 1 Page 99 Lic. 1287 DuPage County
The last name of Bussell sounded a little strange to me, so I proceeded to search this a little more. FamilySearch shows that her surname was Russell, which made more sense to me. However, It could also be Boswell. It also stated the name of the officiate as Dorathy, P. M. I assume the initials stand for Protestant Minister, but a little more research will make things more believable.
I attended the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in August. Sitting in the audience of Tim Pinnick, a known African-American researcher, I learned more about the types of evidence and resources that I should be using for this couple.
Since I knew the town of residence, I proceeded to look for city directories for the Nelson family. I did find one which I photographed with my cell phone. It appeared that Mrs. Eliza Nelson lived on South Vine Street in Hinsdale, Illinois. It matched with the census records that I found.
The Civil War Pension Index provided two cards : One which was for Thomas Nelson's application for an invalid pension in 1897, and another for the Widow's Pension application in 1911 where Eliza had applied for support. Each has an application and certificate number. I'll use those to request the compiled and full file for the supporting papers of each request.
A nice trip to the library in Hinsdale proved to be very beneficial with my work. They had microfilm of The Hinsdale Doings, a local newspaper which is published weekly and provides many years of local information. Looking at the first page of the 21 January 1911 edition, there I found a rather nice obit for Mr. Nelson.
After I research a bit more that is mentioned in the obit, I'll report back and reveal what more I have found on our Civil War Veteran that I Wish I Had Known. Wish me luck. This is getting good.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Writing About Someone You Don't Know, But Wish You Did
I have taken an inventory of burials at a local cemetery with the help of a few friends. There were some mysteries that I had encountered along the way. For instance, there was a tombstone issued by the United States government at the plot of a Civil War soldier, who was interred in the "single grave" section of the cemetery. It was the only one of this type in this cemetery.
Thomas Nelson, a deceased veteran, was laid to rest alongside some of the older burials, and in the area of the only African American persons interred there. Mr. Nelson was a black man who served our nation in the United States Union Army, finishing his service with a rank of Corporal. Here is photo of his stone :
Thomas Nelson, a deceased veteran, was laid to rest alongside some of the older burials, and in the area of the only African American persons interred there. Mr. Nelson was a black man who served our nation in the United States Union Army, finishing his service with a rank of Corporal. Here is photo of his stone :
My question is : Why is this man buried here in a cemetery in northern Illinois? This is a predominantly white populated area, and has been since the 1840s. Why is it that this man has no family buried near him? How did he get here? What is his story?
My quest is to find his military service records, find his family, and learn more about this "lone soldier" laid in the back area of a very old cemetery. I have found his service records from Fold3 at
- Company F, 18 Regiment, U.S. Colored Infantry
- Enlisted at Janesville, Wisconsin, at the age of 26 on August 17, 1864
- He was 5' 8 1/2" tall, with black complexion, black eyes and black hair
- born in Alabama
- occupation : Laborer
I have found a few census records noting his occupation as a laborer, living in the nearby town with a wife and children. Noting that he was born in Alabama, I will have to search those records, in addition to marriage records, births of his children, and the death of his wife.
But, as we all know, moving backward in time is the best way to chart the life of an individual. So, I looked at the burial log of the cemetery and found the notation of Mr. Nelson. The lot had been purchased by his wife, with a notation that the next lot was to be reserved for Mrs. Nelson. It also gave the name of the undertakers and date of death, his age, as well as his cause of death. He is the first name on this page of interments.
- died 17 January 1911, burial 20 January 1911
- cause : Organic disease of the heart
- age : about 85
- undertaker : Fredricks & Pfeifer
Not long ago, I found Mrs. Nelson's death in Wisconsin. She had been living with one of her children at the time of her death.
My final goal : To learn about the life of this African-American man, Corp. Thomas Nelson, who is buried in a single grave, with no relatives interred nearby. Somehow, I feel that there is a very interesting story to be told about Mr. Nelson. When I have uncovered his past I will be sharing his story with all of you.
Go out and find someone that seems to have a mystery about them. Research them and get to know them. Then, share it with others. Imagine how many new stories we can reveal.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Published Family Histories
Have you wondered how to write a genealogy report or family ancestry story? I like to read published ancestry books. Recently I purchased "The Ancestry of Mayor Harold Washington" by Curtis G. Brasfield, 1993, Heritage Books, Inc., Bowie, Maryland.
I thought that it would be a good read about the first African-American mayor of the City of Chicago. After reviewing just the table of contents, I was very impressed with the author's organization of documents, tables and genealogy summaries. In the second half of the book, Mr. Brasfield explained the methodology that was used in his research of the Washington family. In my opinion, this was a very well crafted genealogy and biographical publication. Well done, Mr. Brasfield.
In my experience with writing my own research projects, and reviewing the writings of other researchers, I have found various styles of organization of the vital records and general family stories. There are so many ways that an author can present his/her research results. However, finding just the right words to keep the reader interested and involved can be a task in itself. Learning to write with excitement and describing the picture of the history and lives in a family are so important for the author to achieve.
I suggest that before you try to write a family history, genealogy report or ancestry, take a trip to your local library and read several works that have been published. Take note of how the information is presented. Are there parts of the work that keep you intrigued? What made it grab your attention? Are there parts of the book that seem to be uninteresting? What would make those parts more interesting to you? Take notes from reviewing the works of others. There is really no right way or wrong way to write your family history. Whatever way you choose to present your work, make sure that it still grabs your attention time after time that you read your own work. Make changes and ask someone else to review your work, asking for suggestions.
When you are sure that what you have written is the best work that you can present, then get it published. Even if it is just a few copies for family members to keep, at least it is written and can be passed onto others. But do consider giving a copy of your work to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City for their collection. There are also fine research libraries in other states that will accept your work for their special collections. Allen County Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana and St. Louis County Public Library in Frontenac, Missouri hold many published family histories. Ask others for their suggestions about where to send your book. Reading published family histories can be so interesting, and just might get you in the mood to finish that writing project that you never finished.
Family History Library
Salt Lake City, Utah
I thought that it would be a good read about the first African-American mayor of the City of Chicago. After reviewing just the table of contents, I was very impressed with the author's organization of documents, tables and genealogy summaries. In the second half of the book, Mr. Brasfield explained the methodology that was used in his research of the Washington family. In my opinion, this was a very well crafted genealogy and biographical publication. Well done, Mr. Brasfield.
In my experience with writing my own research projects, and reviewing the writings of other researchers, I have found various styles of organization of the vital records and general family stories. There are so many ways that an author can present his/her research results. However, finding just the right words to keep the reader interested and involved can be a task in itself. Learning to write with excitement and describing the picture of the history and lives in a family are so important for the author to achieve.
I suggest that before you try to write a family history, genealogy report or ancestry, take a trip to your local library and read several works that have been published. Take note of how the information is presented. Are there parts of the work that keep you intrigued? What made it grab your attention? Are there parts of the book that seem to be uninteresting? What would make those parts more interesting to you? Take notes from reviewing the works of others. There is really no right way or wrong way to write your family history. Whatever way you choose to present your work, make sure that it still grabs your attention time after time that you read your own work. Make changes and ask someone else to review your work, asking for suggestions.
When you are sure that what you have written is the best work that you can present, then get it published. Even if it is just a few copies for family members to keep, at least it is written and can be passed onto others. But do consider giving a copy of your work to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City for their collection. There are also fine research libraries in other states that will accept your work for their special collections. Allen County Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana and St. Louis County Public Library in Frontenac, Missouri hold many published family histories. Ask others for their suggestions about where to send your book. Reading published family histories can be so interesting, and just might get you in the mood to finish that writing project that you never finished.
Family History Library
Salt Lake City, Utah
St. Louis County Library
Frontenac, Missouri
I'm looking forward to reading your work!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Learn a New Language
How many of you have found that your ancestors come from a foreign country? I'd say about 99 percent of you. So, chances are you will be confronted with looking at documents that will be written in a foreign language at one time or other.
Who knows how to read these foreign languages? Many researchers can, and YOU can too. Yes, you can.
Take a look at and you will see a "Learn" tab. There you will find many guides to help you translate your documents written in foreign languages. Give it a try.
There are 6 online lessons in video and slide formats that help you to translate your documents and navigate your way through Italian records. In addition, there are lessons in Dutch, German, French, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish.
In addition, there are skill levels, ranked Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. What more can you ask for? Well, you can ask if these lessons are free....YES, they are FREE.
So, learning to read these documents is one thing. What about learning to pronounce the words correctly as you translate? Take a trial of the many language tutorials that are out there ready for you to succeed. My favorite is Rosetta Stone They have a free demo on their website.
Also, try Babbel which also has a free demo. You can always browse your local library for a taste of what kind of textbooks are available.
And, don't forget Worldcat that can help you to locate where you might find resources in your area.
Several schools, Junior Colleges and Institutes offer foreign language course for the general public. Check out those catalogs, or visit their web sites to see what they might offer. Its a bit more fun to take these courses, as you will mix with other who are interested in the same subject and you can learn to converse with others, instead of a computer screen.
Have fun. Ciao!
Who knows how to read these foreign languages? Many researchers can, and YOU can too. Yes, you can.
Take a look at and you will see a "Learn" tab. There you will find many guides to help you translate your documents written in foreign languages. Give it a try.
There are 6 online lessons in video and slide formats that help you to translate your documents and navigate your way through Italian records. In addition, there are lessons in Dutch, German, French, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish.
In addition, there are skill levels, ranked Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. What more can you ask for? Well, you can ask if these lessons are free....YES, they are FREE.
So, learning to read these documents is one thing. What about learning to pronounce the words correctly as you translate? Take a trial of the many language tutorials that are out there ready for you to succeed. My favorite is Rosetta Stone They have a free demo on their website.
Also, try Babbel which also has a free demo. You can always browse your local library for a taste of what kind of textbooks are available.
And, don't forget Worldcat that can help you to locate where you might find resources in your area.
Several schools, Junior Colleges and Institutes offer foreign language course for the general public. Check out those catalogs, or visit their web sites to see what they might offer. Its a bit more fun to take these courses, as you will mix with other who are interested in the same subject and you can learn to converse with others, instead of a computer screen.
Have fun. Ciao!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Italian Research
There are so many resources available to research Italian genealogical and historical records. I just want to mention one that I happened upon just today.
This one is new, at least to me.
copyright 2013 by Crafted Knowledge
Thank you, Crafted Knowledge !!! They state that this entity has a goal to make educational and historical information available and free to the public
This site is invaluable for those of us who are continually looking for those pesky Italian names that are "creatively" spelled by transcribers of immigrant ship lists of passengers.
You know the names that I am talking about. I know that you have seen them, and chuckled, like I do.
This database allows you to search for your Italian Immigrants name. So far, so good. But what makes this different? You can search by first name, last name, AND by one letter at a time, as such:
names beginning with A, search by:
Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae, and so on
Aaa, Aab, Aac, Aad, Aae, and so on
Aaab, Aaac, Aaad, Aaae, Aaaf, and so on
You get the picture. They bring up all names that have those criteria. Click on the "suspected name" and you'll see where they have appeared on ship manifests,
Example: a surname search with Aad returns this result:
Cool, huh? But wait, there's more! Click on the name of this passenger, Tre Aado, and see what happens....voila! A Passenger Record for Tre Aado who arrived in 1890
Neat, huh? But wait, there's more! Select the name of the ship, Rugia, and see what, bang, boom... you get a list of all passengers who have appeared on the manifests of the Rugia. If you select the date of arrival, 5-12-1890, results will contain a list of all passengers who arrived on that very date, not just on the Rugia, but every other ship that arrived on that date.
OK, you can also search for a specific ship. Across the top of the HOME page, select Immigrant Ships List.
Here you will be treated to a whole list of ships, in alphabetical order, by date of arrival, number of Italian passengers, departure port and native country (Italy) and destinations listed by the passengers.
Scroll through the list to find the Rugia (hint, it's on page 17), and you will see a listing of every arrival date of the Rugia. It appears that this ship was in operation from April of 1889 until November of 1894. These dates of arrival ARE NOT in chronological order, so be sure to look closely at this table of information. The date of arrival for our passenger, Tre Aado, shows that there were 280 passengers from Italy, and the ship departed from Hamburg and Havre, as seen here :
If we selected the date, 05-12-1890, the results would be a complete list of passengers on the Rugia from that date of arrival. These passengers are listed in alphabetical order.
In my opinion, this is a step up from other online references for Italian immigrant ships. I will certainly be using this site on my future projects. What a great find!
The Reference Sources for this data is listed as below:
This one is new, at least to me.
Italian Immigration Data : 1855 - 1900
copyright 2013 by Crafted Knowledge
Thank you, Crafted Knowledge !!! They state that this entity has a goal to make educational and historical information available and free to the public
This site is invaluable for those of us who are continually looking for those pesky Italian names that are "creatively" spelled by transcribers of immigrant ship lists of passengers.
You know the names that I am talking about. I know that you have seen them, and chuckled, like I do.
This database allows you to search for your Italian Immigrants name. So far, so good. But what makes this different? You can search by first name, last name, AND by one letter at a time, as such:
names beginning with A, search by:
Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae, and so on
Aaa, Aab, Aac, Aad, Aae, and so on
Aaab, Aaac, Aaad, Aaae, Aaaf, and so on
You get the picture. They bring up all names that have those criteria. Click on the "suspected name" and you'll see where they have appeared on ship manifests,
Example: a surname search with Aad returns this result:
0001 | Tre Aado | 31 | M | Italy | USA | Steerage | Rugia | 05-12-1890 |
Cool, huh? But wait, there's more! Click on the name of this passenger, Tre Aado, and see what happens....voila! A Passenger Record for Tre Aado who arrived in 1890
Passenger Record for Tre Aado
Neat, huh? But wait, there's more! Select the name of the ship, Rugia, and see what, bang, boom... you get a list of all passengers who have appeared on the manifests of the Rugia. If you select the date of arrival, 5-12-1890, results will contain a list of all passengers who arrived on that very date, not just on the Rugia, but every other ship that arrived on that date.
OK, you can also search for a specific ship. Across the top of the HOME page, select Immigrant Ships List.
Here you will be treated to a whole list of ships, in alphabetical order, by date of arrival, number of Italian passengers, departure port and native country (Italy) and destinations listed by the passengers.
Scroll through the list to find the Rugia (hint, it's on page 17), and you will see a listing of every arrival date of the Rugia. It appears that this ship was in operation from April of 1889 until November of 1894. These dates of arrival ARE NOT in chronological order, so be sure to look closely at this table of information. The date of arrival for our passenger, Tre Aado, shows that there were 280 passengers from Italy, and the ship departed from Hamburg and Havre, as seen here :
05-12-1890 | 280 | Hamburg & Havre | Italy | USA |
If we selected the date, 05-12-1890, the results would be a complete list of passengers on the Rugia from that date of arrival. These passengers are listed in alphabetical order.
In my opinion, this is a step up from other online references for Italian immigrant ships. I will certainly be using this site on my future projects. What a great find!
The Reference Sources for this data is listed as below:
2 - The U.S Government Printing Office (GPO) provides publishing and dissemination services for the official and authentic government publications to Congress, Federal agencies, Federal depository libraries, and the American public.Related Resources, Advocates, Supporting Contributors, Etc.
3 - Look up information on popular names from A to Z. You can find thousands of data connections for names listed in our online guide.
Immigrant Legal Resource Center - National non-profit resource center that provides legal trainings, educational materials, and advocacy to advance immigrant rights.
5 - Information to help you with problems related to housing, work, family, bankruptcy, disability, immigration and other topics.
Law Library of Congress - With approximately 2.65 million volumes, the Law Library’s collection of primary and secondary sources constitutes the largest legal collection in the world.
101 Independence Avenue Washington, DC 20540-4860
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Hungarian Research
The Genealogy News - weekly edition
OK, so not too long ago I mentioned the postings that give you sort of an index on the most recent blogs and articles written regarding genealogy and historical research.Today I received the most recent notice from this service. Boy, am I excited. I had been trying to do a little research on the Hungarian side of my family. I don't speak or read Hungarian. There were only a few FHL films available to view the civil records of my ancestors' hometown. I really had not been able to get as far as I would like with my Hungarian research. But today I have new reasons to be exited about reviving my interest in this part of my heritage.
The first posting on the notice was Hunting Hungarian Heritage. The resource was from GenWeekly, and this article contained the most comprehensive information that I need to restart my Austro-Hungarian genealogy research.
The first part of the article give a rather nice history of the area we now call Hungary. Then it gets to the meat of the information that made me click my heels. They mentioned a list of heritage organizations and their locations. Contacting these could be a good move.
- American Hungarian Federation (AHF) - Akron, OH
- (American Hungarian Folklore Centrum (AHFC), Bogota, NJ. Online at
- American Hungarian Reformed Federation (AHRF), Washington, D.C.
- Hungarian American Coalition (HAC) (Magyar-Amerikai KoalÃció [MAK]), Washington, D.C.
- Hungarian Association of Cleveland (Clevelandi Magyar Társaság), Cleveland, Ohio
- Hungarian Cultural Foundation (HCF), Stone Mountain, Georgia
- American-Hungarian Foundation (AHF), Hungarian Heritage Center, New Brunswick, New Jersey
- Hungarian Reformed Federation Library and Archives, Bethlen Home, near Ligonier, Pennsylvania
Next, they listed books that are focused on Hungarian Genealogy and Heritage
- "German towns in Slovakia & Upper Hungary: a Genealogical Gazetteer," by Duncan B Gardner, Lakewood OH. Family Historian, 1991 3rd edition, revised and expanded.
- "Contents and addresses of Hungarian archives: with supplementary material for research on German ancestors from Hungary," by Edward R Brandt, Baltimore MD. Clearfield, 1998.
- "Handy Guide to Hungarian Genealogical Records," by Jared H Suess, Logan, UT. Everton Publishers, 1980.
- "Major Genealogical Record Sources in Hungary," by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City, 1972.
- "How & Where to Research Your Ethnic-American Cultural Heritage: Hungarian Americans," by Robert D Reed and Danek S Kaus, San Jose CA. R and E Publishers, 1994
- "Austro-Hungarian Genealogical Research," by Samuel Falkenstein; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Library, Avon OH; the compiler, 1985.
- Records of Genealogical Value for Hungary," by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Dept., Salt Lake City, UT, 1979.
- "Radix - Genealogy Research in Hungary;" eBook, in English. This is a web site devoted to Hungarian genealogy. Some features are free to the public, while others require a fee. Site includes a collection of about 800 pictures from old Hungary, as well as an extensive list of links to other Hungarian genealogical sites
Several websites were mentioned for further direction
- - link to various online Hungarian censuses.
- Your Guide to Researching Your Hungarian Ancestors - a private page with various links.
- - links to Hungary related genealogy sites.
- - example of an organization concerned with Hungarian research. They have meeting lists, a list of useful book titles, and the like.
- - a list with clickable links to extracted data. Includes some towns in Hungary. One of the few places that has actual families linked together.
- The Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS) and also - the starting places on the great FEEFHS web site (the Federation of East European Family History Societies home page and the starting page for Hungary). This is a great organization with many pages of links and clues.
- - Hungarian Online Resources (Magyar Online Forras). Tremendously informative.
- Radix - the Radix web site with links to gazetteers, directories, etc.
- - a commercial (pay) web site that allows cross searching of multiple databases.
- - an LDS web site which allows searching of indexed records.
- - the Web Archive of Hungarian Genealogy home page.
I must mention that a researcher by the name of Lisa Alzo, of Ithaca NY, is a well know speaker and writer on Eastern European genealogical research. Anything that she has written is worth looking at! See her article at:
Cyndi's list is mentioned, along with FamilySearch, GenWeb and other better known sites
Remember that some articles from GenWeekly are written exclusively for GenealogyToday.
The source for this article:
Source Information: GenWeekly, New Providence, NJ, USA: Genealogy Today LLC, 2013.
As I posted previously, I heartily endorse and hope that you make good use of what they have to offer, too.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
The Weekly Genealogist - NEHGS
Do you put yourself on email lists for updates with societies and clubs?
Here is one that I highly recommend: The Weekly Genealogist, published by the New England Historic and Genealogical Society. Their website :
Why do I love this newsletter?
They advertise special events sponsored by NEHGS.
Ancestry Day is March 2, 2013 in Boston, Mass. at the Sheraton Inn. Sounds like fun to me. Hope they have nice weather.
They give updates to the NEHGS staff. David Allen Lambert is the new Chief Genealogist for NEHGS.
They advertise their special interest groups and activities and meeting dates. FYI they have an Irish Genealogy Group which plans to meet on January 26, 2013. If you are in Boston that day, you might just want to drop in.
They review new research websites. This week they featured the Old Connecticut Path website, with a brief history and explanation of the significance of the information found here. The Old Connecticut Path connected Cambridge to Hartford.
There is always a Name Origins article. Do you know the origins of the name NATHANETTA?
As noted in today's article:
From the male name NATHAN + diminutive suffix –etta. Nathanetta Frances (Arey) Gray, born 13 May 1860, the daughter of James R. and Lucy (Grush) Arey, died in 1890 in Rhode Island. Nathanetta was likely named after her maternal grandfather, Nathan W. Grush. (“Richard Arey and Some of His Descendants,” Register 87 (1933):18; Rhode Island Statewide Death Index, 1890–1900, #1890-714–17.)
The Weekly Genealogists Survey asks readers to respond to a general genealogy query with a multiple choice answer. The survey results are always posted the following week. This week they ask if readers have discovered any maritime occupations in their family research.
Next is the Public Spotlight. This is my favorite post of the Weekly Genealogist. It is not just for New England research, but for all American research. Today is devoted to library, cemetery, obits, directories and images of Saginaw, Michigan. Very cool stuff.
Stories of Interests always includes articles that may have been missed from publications of the many posts from research organizations/authors. Interested in the menu fare from President Abe Lincoln's second inaugural luncheon? You can read about it in today's posting.
Lastly, there is always a reminder of the many Classic Reprints available at the bookstore from NEHGS. From personal experience, you can get some great publications if ordered through them. Sure, you might be able to read some of these online, but, how neat is it to have them in hand when you don't have electric power to turn on your PC (or Mac).
Ok, enough free advertising for NEHGS. You get the picture. I really like this weekly newsletter. And, you will too. Give it a try. It's FREE.
Here is one that I highly recommend: The Weekly Genealogist, published by the New England Historic and Genealogical Society. Their website :

Why do I love this newsletter?
They advertise special events sponsored by NEHGS.
Ancestry Day is March 2, 2013 in Boston, Mass. at the Sheraton Inn. Sounds like fun to me. Hope they have nice weather.
They give updates to the NEHGS staff. David Allen Lambert is the new Chief Genealogist for NEHGS.
They advertise their special interest groups and activities and meeting dates. FYI they have an Irish Genealogy Group which plans to meet on January 26, 2013. If you are in Boston that day, you might just want to drop in.
They review new research websites. This week they featured the Old Connecticut Path website, with a brief history and explanation of the significance of the information found here. The Old Connecticut Path connected Cambridge to Hartford.
There is always a Name Origins article. Do you know the origins of the name NATHANETTA?
As noted in today's article:
From the male name NATHAN + diminutive suffix –etta. Nathanetta Frances (Arey) Gray, born 13 May 1860, the daughter of James R. and Lucy (Grush) Arey, died in 1890 in Rhode Island. Nathanetta was likely named after her maternal grandfather, Nathan W. Grush. (“Richard Arey and Some of His Descendants,” Register 87 (1933):18; Rhode Island Statewide Death Index, 1890–1900, #1890-714–17.)
The Weekly Genealogists Survey asks readers to respond to a general genealogy query with a multiple choice answer. The survey results are always posted the following week. This week they ask if readers have discovered any maritime occupations in their family research.
Next is the Public Spotlight. This is my favorite post of the Weekly Genealogist. It is not just for New England research, but for all American research. Today is devoted to library, cemetery, obits, directories and images of Saginaw, Michigan. Very cool stuff.
Stories of Interests always includes articles that may have been missed from publications of the many posts from research organizations/authors. Interested in the menu fare from President Abe Lincoln's second inaugural luncheon? You can read about it in today's posting.
Lastly, there is always a reminder of the many Classic Reprints available at the bookstore from NEHGS. From personal experience, you can get some great publications if ordered through them. Sure, you might be able to read some of these online, but, how neat is it to have them in hand when you don't have electric power to turn on your PC (or Mac).
Ok, enough free advertising for NEHGS. You get the picture. I really like this weekly newsletter. And, you will too. Give it a try. It's FREE.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Genealogy and History News You Can Use
Hey, did you ever wonder how anyone can keep up with the ever changing world of historical research and genealogy websites? Well, here is your lucky day...and this tip is FREE. My kind of tip, yes it is!
Sign up for Genealogy Today at
Publisher: Illya D’Addezio
Editor: Elisabeth Lindsay
Genealogy Today LLC
74 Forest Road, P.O. Box 911
New Providence, New Jersey, 07974-0911
This features links to articles and blogs, like Eastman, Olivetree, Geneanet, Genealogy Tip of the Day, etc. All the latest news feeds right at your fingertips. Now there is no excuse for not knowing what is going on, what is new, latest tips and tricks for research and much, much more.
If you know of any news that is not mentioned, but would be a great benefit to others, you also have the opportunity to have your news posted on this website. What great fun, huh?
Try it out. You just might think it's the next best thing to sliced bread.
Sign up for Genealogy Today at
Publisher: Illya D’Addezio
Editor: Elisabeth Lindsay
Genealogy Today LLC
74 Forest Road, P.O. Box 911
New Providence, New Jersey, 07974-0911
This features links to articles and blogs, like Eastman, Olivetree, Geneanet, Genealogy Tip of the Day, etc. All the latest news feeds right at your fingertips. Now there is no excuse for not knowing what is going on, what is new, latest tips and tricks for research and much, much more.
If you know of any news that is not mentioned, but would be a great benefit to others, you also have the opportunity to have your news posted on this website. What great fun, huh?
Try it out. You just might think it's the next best thing to sliced bread.
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